“Veppam Kulir Mazhai” (2024), a Tamil thriller film directed and written by Pascal Vedamuthu, features Ismath Banu as Paandi and Dhirav as Petthaperumal. Releasing on March 29, 2024, it’s”produced by Dhirav and Tamilmani D. under Hashtag FDFS Productions, distributed by Sri Subbulakshmi Movies. With an estimated ₹10 crore budget, it explores societal pressure on couples.
Name | Veppam Kulir Mazhai |
Genre | Thriller |
Language | Tamil |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 29 March, 2024 |
Director | Pascal Vedamuthu |
Writer | Pascal Vedamuthu |
Music | Shankar Rengarajan |
Cinematographer | Prithvi Rajendran |
Production Company | Hashtag FDFS Productions |
Produced By | Dhirav, Tamilmani D |
Editor | Dhirav |
Distributed By | Sri Subbulakshmi Movies |
Budget | ₹10 crore (estimated) |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Ismath Banu | As Paandi |
M.S. Bhaskar | As Thiri ayya |
Dhirav | As Petthaperumal |
Dev Habibullah | As Gandhi |
Rama | As Pottu |
“Veppam Kulir Mazhai” (2024) portrays Petthaperumal and Paandi, a couple facing pressure to conceive, exploring the impact on their relationship dynamics and personal lives.
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