Kotee is an upcoming Indian Kannada-language film expected to be released in cinemas on 14 June 2024. Parameshwar Gundkal is the Director, whereas Jyoti Deshpande is the producer of film Kotee. It marks the debut of Jio Studios into Kannada Industry. Dhananjaya and Moksha Kushal are the leading actors of the film. Recently the teaser of the movie was released and fans got very much intrigued after watching it.
Name | Kotee |
Genre | Drama, Thriller |
Language | Kannada |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 14 June 2024 |
Director | Parameshwar Gundkal |
Writer | Parameshwar Gundkal |
Music | Vasuki Vaibhav |
Cinematographer | Arun Brahma |
Production Company | Jio Studios |
Produced By | Jyoti Deshpande |
Editor | Pratheek Shetty |
Distributed By | TBA |
Budget | TBA |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Dhananjaya | N/A |
Moksha Kushal | N/A |
Prithvi Shamanuru | N/A |
Tanuja Venkatesh | N/A |
Sardar Satya | N/A |
Ramesh Indira | N/A |
Kotee follows Dhananjaya as the protagonist, an honest young man, whose life begins to fall apart when he realizes that earning a crore without illegal means is almost impossible, a lesson he also learns when he crosses paths with the baddie played by Ramesh Indira. The Kannada filmmaker, who is best remembered for his recent outing in Sapta Sagaradaache Ello is back in yet another menacing role in Kotee. Also, on the cast of the film are Rangayana Raghu, Tara, Moksha Kushal, Prithvi Shamanuru, Sardar Satya and Tanuja Venkatesh, among others.
The trailer of the movie is yet to be released.
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