Short Bio
“Karataka Damanaka” (2024) is a Kannada comedy-drama directed by Yograj Bhat. Starring Shivarajkumar and Prabhu Deva as the lead thieves, it explores their escapades as they navigate life under various aliases. With a blend of humor and drama, the film promises to entertain audiences upon its release on March 8, 2024. Produced by Rockline Entertainment, it features music by V. Harikrishna and cinematography by Santhosh Rai Pathaje.
Movie Name | Karataka Damanaka |
Genre | Comedy, Drama |
Language | Kannada |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Release Date | 8 March, 2024 |
Director | Yograj Bhat |
Writer | Yograj Bhat, Subramanya M K |
Cinematographer | Santhosh Rai Pathaje |
Music | V. Harikrishna |
Editor | Rahul Vasishta |
Production Company | Rockline Entertainment |
Produced By | Rockline Venkatesh |
Distributed By | TBA |
Movie Budget | ₹10 crore (estimated) |
‘Star Cast With Characters’ Names:
Shivarajkumar | as Karataka |
Prabhu Deva | as Damanaka |
Priya Anand | N.A |
Nishvika Naidu | N.A |
Parthasarathi Deb | N.A |
‘Karataka Damanaka’ Plot:
“Karataka Damanaka” (2024) follows two thieves who use different names. They decide to enjoy life to the fullest, without worries. The movie shows their fun experiences and struggles with their secret identities.
‘Karataka Damanaka’ Trailer:
The trailer hasn’t been released yet.
Character teaser video:
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