“Apsara” (2024) is an upcoming Marathi romance film directed by Chandrakant Pawar, with Chandrakant Pawar and Bhanudas Panmand as co-writers. Scheduled for release on May 10, 2024, it stars Vijay Nikam, Shashank Shende, Akshata Padgaonkar, and others. Produced by Sunil Arjun Bhalerao under Shraman Films and Filmastra Studios, the movie’s plot and trailer are yet to be revealed.
Name | Apsara |
Genre | Romance |
Language | Marathi |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 10 May, 2024 |
Director | Chandrakant Pawar |
Writer | Chandrakant Pawar, Bhanudas Panmand |
Music | Mangesh Kangane |
Cinematographer | TBA |
Production Company | Shraman Films, Filmastra Studios |
Produced By | Sunil Arjun Bhalerao |
Editor | Nitesh Rathod |
Distributed By | Filmastra Studios |
Budget | ₹5 crore (estimated) |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Vijay Nikam | |
Shashank Shende | |
Akshata Padgaonkar | |
Mayuri Avhad | |
Vitthal Nagnath Kale | |
Megha Ghadge | |
Suyash Zunjurke | |
Sachin Kumavat | |
Rajesh Bhosale | |
Mayur Pawar | |
Ashish Warang | |
Bhaiya More | |
Samiksha Bhalerao | |
Pradnya Tribhuwan | |
Sangharsh Bhalerao | |
Sayalee Sambhare |
The plot hasn’t been disclosed yet.
The trailer is awaited.
*If you have any additional information regarding the above mentioned content, let us know at thefilmycharcha@gmail.com*