“Welcome Wedding” (2024) is a Hindi comedy directed by Aanand Raut and written by Sachindra Sharma. The film follows a bet between a father and son, where the son must earn 100 crore rupees in 90 days, with the father obediently following his commands. Starring Rajpal Naurang Yadav, Rakhi Sawant, and Komal Jha, the film promises a hilarious journey with unexpected twists. Scheduled for release on March 29, 2024, it’s produced by Vikash Film International with an estimated budget of ₹10 crore.
Name | Welcome Wedding |
Genre | Drama |
Language | Hindi |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 29 March, 2024 |
Director | Aanand Raut |
Writer | Sachindra Sharma |
Music | Raaj Aashoo |
Cinematographer | Naren Gedia |
Production Company | Vikash Film International |
Produced By | Vikash C Naik, Chandreshwar Parsad, Yashasvi Raut, Radheshyam Singh |
Editor | Parth Y. Bhatt |
Distributed By | TBA |
Budget | ₹10 crore (estimated) |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Rajpal Naurang Yadav | |
Rakhi Sawant | |
Komal Jha | |
Raju Kher | |
Arun Bakshi | |
Farida Dadi | |
Sahil Kohli | |
Prakashika Naik | |
Milind Prasad | |
Jay Mishra | |
Rohit raj | |
Riyana Shukla | |
Manisha Kumari | |
Rajesh Singh | |
Darshan Jariwala |
“Welcome Wedding” (2024) is about a bet between a father and son. The son must earn 100 crore rupees in 90 days, with the father agreeing to obey his every command without objection. The hilarious journey unfolds with unexpected twists until the son ultimately wins the bet, revealing his unconventional tactics in the climax.
If you have any additional information regarding the above mentioned content, let us know at thefilmycharcha@gmail.com
(Disclaimer : The figures mentioned in the budget are according to various sources. The Filmy Charcha hasn’t confirmed the numbers individually.)