“The UP Files” (2024) is a Hindi drama directed by Neeraj Sahal, written by Stanish Gill. Set for release on March 29, 2024, it uncovers hidden truths about Uttar Pradesh, blending fiction with real events. Manjari Fadnnis, Manoj Joshi, and Milind Gunaji lead the cast in this spine-chilling tale which is produced by Shree Ostwal Films.
Name | The UP Files |
Genre | Drama |
Language | Hindi |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 29 March, 2024 |
Director | Neeraj Sahal |
Writer | Stanish Gill |
Music | Dilip Sen |
Cinematographer | Anil Xavier |
Production Company | Shree Ostwal Films |
Produced By | Kuldeep Umrao, Ostwal Singh |
Editor | Sherwin Bernard |
Distributed By | TBA |
Budget | ₹10 crore (estimated) |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Manjari Fadnnis | As Sujata Menon |
Manoj Joshi | As Abhay Singh |
Milind Gunaji | As Shadab |
Ali Asgar | As Umashankar |
Avtar Gill | As Guruji of Maharaj |
Vineet Sharma | As Suryavanshi (New DGP) |
Aman Verma | As Husband of Inspector |
Poonam Dwivedi | As Razia |
Vaibhav Mathur | N.A |
Ashok Samarth | N.A |
Anil George | As Abdullah |
Shahbaz Khan | As Ajit Singh (Old DGP Role) |
Parminder Paddal | As Khurshid |
Karan Chhabra | As Salman |
Jugendra Singh | N.A |
Shraddha Upadhyay | N.A |
Akanksha Saini | As Sana |
Vidhyadhar Bane | N.A |
Parvez Shaikh | N.A |
Salim Zaidi | N.A |
“The UP Files” (2024) is a scary movie that tells a secret story about Uttar Pradesh. It mixes made-up stuff with real events to show how dangerous things can be there.
If you have any additional information regarding the above mentioned content, let us know at thefilmycharcha@gmail.com
(Disclaimer : The figures mentioned in the budget are according to various sources. The Filmy Charcha hasn’t confirmed the numbers individually.)