“The SpongeBob Movie: Search for Squarepants” (2025) is an animated adventure comedy directed by Derek Drymon. It features a star-studded voice cast including Clancy Brown, Tom Kenny, Bill Fagerbakke and many more. Produced under the banners of Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Nickelodeon Movies, Paramount Animation, and others, it’s set to release on December 19, 2025, with a budget estimated at $50 million.
Name | The SpongeBob Movie: Search for Squarepants |
Genre | Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Horror |
Language | English |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Release Date | 19 December, 2025 |
Director | Derek Drymon |
Writer | Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger, Steve Desmond, Michael Sherman |
Cinematographer | TBA |
Music | TBA |
Editor | Adam Arnold, Davrick Waltjen |
Production Company | Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Nickelodeon Movies, Paramount Animation, Paramount Pictures, United Plankton Pictures |
Produced By | Marc Ceccarelli, Vincent Waller |
Distributed By | Lotte Entertainment, Paramount Pictures, The Match Factory, Toho-Towa, Paramount Pictures, Paramount+ |
Movie Budget | $50M (estimated) |
‘Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Clancy Brown | As Mr. Krabs (voice) |
Tom Kenny | As SpongeBob SquarePants (voice) |
Bill Fagerbakke | As Patrick Star (voice) |
Brian Doyle-Murray | As Flying Dutchman (voice) |
Rodger Bumpass | As Squidward (voice) |
Mr. Lawrence | As Plankton (voice) |
Carolyn Lawrence | As Sandy Cheeks (voice) |
Douglas Tait | As Zombie |
Cara Mitsuko | As News Reporter |
James Hunter | As Zombie |
Bryan Coffee | As Bartender |
Leonel Garza | As Zombie |
Scott Frenzel | As Zombie |
Melissa Kaye Bontempt | As Zombie |
In “The SpongeBob Movie: Search for Squarepants” (2025), SpongeBob searches underwater for his missing friend, facing a spooky ghost called Flying Dutchman along the way.
The trailer is yet to be released.
If you have any additional information regarding the above mentioned content, let us know at thefilmycharcha@gmail.com