Short Bio
“Somu Sound Engineer” is a Kannada drama directed by Abhi and produced by Christopher Kini under Aartha Entertainers. With an estimated budget of ₹3 crore, it stars Nivishka Patil, Yash Shetty, and Shreshtha. The film delves into the North Karnataka village life, focusing on Somu’s endeavor to preserve tradition through sound engineering. Music by Charan Raj, cinematography by Shivasena, and editing by Deepu S. Kumar. Scheduled for release on March 15, 2024, streaming details are yet to be announced.
Movie Name | Somu Sound Engineer |
Genre | Drama |
Language | Kannada |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Release Date | 15 March, 2024 |
Director | Abhi |
Writer | TBA |
Cinematographer | Shivasena |
Music | Charan Raj |
Editor | Deepu S. Kumar |
Production Company | Aartha Entertainers |
Produced By | Christopher Kini |
Distributed By | TBA |
Movie Budget | ₹3 crore (estimated) |
‘Star Cast With Characters’ Names:
Nivishka Patil | |
Yash Shetty | |
Shreshtha |
‘Somu Sound Engineer’ Plot:
“Somu Sound Engineer” is a heartwarming tale set in a North Karnataka village, capturing the essence of its culture, Jawari music, and local life. Shot in Ilakkal, Ganjihal, and Kudala Sangama, it follows Somu’s journey as he navigates village dynamics and endeavors to preserve tradition through his passion for sound engineering.
‘Somu Sound Engineer’ Trailer:
The trailer is yet to be launched.
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