Short Bio
Sikandar Ka Muqaddar is an upcoming action-drama Hindi film on Netflix.The film is directed by the renowned Bollywood director Neeraj Pandey. Sikandar Ka Muqaddar is produced by Shital Bhatia and Devendra Deshpande, while the cinematography of the movie is done by Arvind Singh Bharat. The official cast of the movie is yet to be disclosed. The production of the movie is yet to be started, so the release date and other things are yet to be confirmed.
Name | Sikandar Ka Muqaddar |
Genre | Action Drama |
Language | Hindi |
Streaming | Netflix |
Streaming Partner | Netflix |
Release Date | TBA |
Director | Neeraj Pandey |
Writer | N.A |
Cinematographer | Arvind Singh Bharat |
Music | N.A |
Editor | N.A |
Production Company | N.A |
Produced By | Shital Bhatia, & Devendra Deshpande |
Distributed By | N.A |
Movie Budget | ₹70 Crore |
‘Star Cast With Characters’ Names
N.A |
The plot of the movie is yet to be disclosed.
The official trailer of the movie is yet to be launched. But an announcement video has been shared.
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