“Shinda Shinda No Papa” (2024), is an upcoming Punjabi film directed by Amarpreet G.S. Chhabra and written by Naresh Kathooria, is set for release on May 10, 2024. Produced by Humble Motion Pictures and Saregama, with an estimated budget of ₹15 crore, it stars Hina Khan, Raghveer Boli, Jaswinder Bhullar, Gippy Grewal and others. The plot follows a mysterious man facing challenges on a mission.
Name | Shinda Shinda No Papa |
Genre | Drama, Comedy, Romance |
Language | Punjabi |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 10 May, 2024 |
Director | Amarpreet G.S. Chhabra |
Writer | Naresh Kathooria |
Music | Avvy Sra, Badshah |
Cinematographer | Sukh Kamboj |
Production Company | Humble Motion Pictures, Saregama |
Produced By | Vinod Aswal, Alok Batra, Hardeep Dullat, Rati Galani, Gippy Grewal |
Editor | Mukesh Thakur |
Distributed By | TBA |
Budget | ₹15 crore (estimated) |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Raghveer Boli | |
Jaswinder Bhullar | |
Guri Ghuman | |
Hardeep Gill | |
Gippy Grewal | |
Shinda Grewal | |
Gurmeet Kaur as Chachi | |
Seema Kaushal | |
Hina Khan | |
Nirmal Rishi | |
Prince Kanwaljit Singh |
In “Shinda Shinda No Papa” (2024), the story revolves around the life of a mysterious man. Amidst various challenges and issues, can he successfully complete his mission?
Teaser video: https://youtu.be/yDiN1Ai4YPQ?si=NTT1RQMZMOtMhQW2
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