“Secret Home” (2024), directed by Abhayakumar K., is a Malayalam crime drama set for release on March 22, 2024. Written by Anil Kurian, it stars Aparna Das, Shivada Nair, Chandhunadh, and Anu Mohan. With an estimated budget of ₹3 crore, it’s co-produced by Shibu Job, Aneesh C. Salim and Santhosh Thrivikraman under the banner of Wow Cinemas and distributed by the same.
Movie Name | Secret Home |
Genre | Crime, Drama |
Language | Malayalam |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Release Date | 22 March, 2024 |
Director | Abhayakumar K. |
Writer | Anil Kurian |
Cinematographer | Ajay David Kachappilly |
Music | Sankar Sharma |
Editor | Rajesh Rajenndrran |
Production Company | Wow Cinemas |
Produced By | Shibu Job, Aneesh C. Salim, Santhosh Thrivikraman |
Distributed By | Wow Cinemas |
Movie Budget | ₹3 crore (estimated) |
‘Star Cast With Characters’ Names:
Aparna Das |
Shivada Nair |
Chandhunadh |
Anu Mohan |
“Secret Home” (2024) is about a scary incident in a suburban house. It involves four people whose morals are challenged as they deal with what happened.
The trailer is awaited.
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