Short Bio
“Sanju Weds Geetha 2” is a Kannada drama directed by Nagashekar, with Chakravarthy as the writer. Produced by Chalavadi Kumar and Mapi Narayan under Mahaanadi Creations and Nagashekar Movies Productions, with the film stars Rachita Ram, Sadhu Kokila, Rangayana Raghu, Srinagar Kitty, and Chethan Kumar. Scheduled for release on April 1, 2024, streaming details are yet to be announced.
Movie Name | Sanju Weds Geetha 2 |
Genre | Drama |
Language | Kannada |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Release Date | 1 April, 2024 |
Director | Nagashekar |
Writer | Chakravarthy |
Cinematographer | Satya Hegde |
Music | Sridhar V. Sambhram |
Editor | Anthony |
Production Company | Mahaanadi Creations, Nagshekar Movies Productions |
Produced By | Chalavadi Kumar, Mapi Narayan |
Distributed By | TBA |
Movie Budget | ₹10 crore (estimated) |
‘Star Cast With Characters’ Names:
Rachita Ram | |
Sadhu Kokila | |
Rangayana Raghu | |
Srinagar Kitty | |
Chethan Kumar |
‘Sanju Weds Geetha 2’ Plot:
Sequel to “Sanju Weds Geetha” (2011)
‘Sanju Weds Geetha 2’ Trailer:
The trailer hasn’t been released yet.
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