Short Bio
“Powder” (2024) is a Kannada drama directed by Janardhan Chikkanna. With a talented cast including Achyuth Kumar, Diganth, and Sharmiela Mandre, the film revolves around a treasure hunt in a rural village. Produced by KRG Studios and TVF Creation, it’s set to release on April 5, 2024, with Sean Roldan handling the music.
Movie Name | Powder |
Genre | Drama |
Language | Kannada |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Release Date | 5 April, 2024 |
Director | Janardhan Chikkanna |
Writer | Deepak Venkateshan |
Cinematographer | Shanthi Sagar H.G. |
Music | Sean Roldan |
Editor | TBA |
Production Company | KRG Studios, TVF Creation |
Produced By | Karthik Gowda, Yogi G. Raj |
Distributed By | TBA |
Movie Budget | ₹5 crore (estimated) |
‘Star Cast With Characters’ Names:
Achyuth Kumar | |
Diganth | |
Sharmiela Mandre | |
Dhanya Ramkumar | |
Anirudh Acharya | |
Rangayana Raghu | |
Ravishankar Gowda |
‘Powder’ Plot:
In the movie “Powder” (2024), the plot centres on a small village where a bunch of troublemakers are on a quest to find a valuable treasure.
‘Powder’ Trailer:
The trailer is awaited.
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