Short Bio
Parasyte: The Grey is an upcoming horror, thriller, and sci-fi Korean drama on Netflix.The drama was created by Hitoshi Iwaaki, and the screenplay was done by Yeon Sang-ho and Ryu Yong-Jae. The upcoming Korean drama Parasyte: The Grey is scheduled to release on April 5, 2024. Parasyte: The Grey is produced under the banner of Wow Point & Climax Studio. The drama stars Koo Kyo-hwan, Jeon So-nee, and Jung Hyun Lee in prominent roles.
Name | Parasyte : The Grey |
Genre | Horror, Theiller, Sci-fi |
Language | Korean |
Streaming | Netflix |
Streaming Partner | Netflix |
Release Date | 5 April 2024 |
Director | Hitoshi Iwaaki |
Writer | Yeon Sang-ho & Ryu Yong-Jae |
Cinematographer | N.A |
Music | N.A |
Editor | N.A |
Production Company | Wow Point & Climax Studio |
Produced By | N.A |
Distributed By | N.A |
Movie Budget | ₹100 Crore |
‘Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Koo Kyo-hwan | As Seol Kang-woo |
Jeon So-nee | As Jeong Su-in |
Jung Hyun Lee | As Choi Jun-kyung |
The plot revolves around a group of people fighting against the evil growing Parasyte, which feeds on human hosts and strives to increase in strength.
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