Omari: Pandora’s Playground (Movie) Released Date, Cast, Director, Story, Budget and more…

Omari Pandora’s Playground (Movie) Released Date, Cast, Director, Story, Budget and more...

Short Bio

Omari: Pandora’s Playground” (2025) is a short film spanning adventure, drama, fantasy, horror, romance, and sci-fi genres. Co-directed by Marcus Barbary and Jah-Sun Collier, it stars Marcus Barbary as Salem and Sophia-Marie Clemons as Evelyn Wright. The plot follows Amala seeking revenge on scientists who experimented on her. Produced by Seven Sixteen Studios with an estimated budget of $200,000, it releases on October 31, 2025.

Movie NameOmari: Pandora’s Playground
GenreShort, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi
Language English
Streaming PartnerTBA
Release Date31 October, 2025
DirectorMarcus Barbary, Jah-Sun Collier
WriterMarcus Barbary, Sophia-Marie Clemons, Jah-Sun Collier
MusicVernon Barbary, Jah-Sun Collier
Production CompanySeven Sixteen Studios
Produced ByTamara Banks, Marcus Barbary, Vernon Barbary, Sophia-Marie Clemons, Jah-Sun Collier
Distributed ByTBA
Movie Budget$200,000 (estimated)

Star Cast With Characters’ Names:

Marcus BarbaryAs Salem
Sophia-Marie ClemonsAs Evelyn Wright


In “Omari: Pandora’s Playground” (2024), Amala, also known as Pandora, seeks revenge on scientists who hurt her in experiments. She teams up with Salem to find them at a theme park. Using her special powers, she faces them. Will she win, or will Omari and Eve stop her?


The trailer is yet to be released.

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