Short Bio
Missing is an upcoming Hindi thriller film. The movie is directed and written by Prawaal Raman.The official release date of the film, Missing, is yet to be disclosed.Missing is produced by Mohaan Nadaar under the banner of The Production Headquarters and Umbrella Productions. Missing stars include Randeep Hooda and many others.
Movie Name | Missing |
Genre | Drama Thriller |
Language | Hindi |
Streaming | N.A |
Streaming Partner | N.A |
Release Date | 2024 |
Director | Prawaal Raman |
Writer | Prawaal Raman |
Cinematographer | N.A |
Music | N.A |
Editor | N.A |
Production Company | The Production Headquarters & Umbrella Productions |
Produced By | Mohaan Nadaar |
Distributed By | N.A |
Movie Budget | ₹100 Crore |
‘Star Cast With Characters’ Names:
Randeep Hooda | N.A |
Meera Chopra | N.A |
Lee Westwick | N.A |
Louise Cole | As DCI Linda Jones |
‘Missing’ Plot:
The plot of the movie is still awaited.
‘Missing’ Trailer:
The trailer of the movie is yet to be launched.
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