“Mega” (2024) is a multilingual action-thriller film directed by Harsha Sai and Kalvakuntla Vamshidhar. Starring Harshad Sai and Mitraaw Sharma, the film follows a protagonist wielding immense power, refusing to accept defeat as he battles monsters. It’s written by Harsha Sai and co-produced by Mitraaw Sharma and Padavala Balachandra under the banner of Shree Pictures.
Name | Mega |
Genre | Action, Thriller, Suspense |
Language | Telugu, Tamil, Hindi |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 2024 |
Director | Harsha Sai, Kalvakuntla Vamshidhar |
Writer | Harsha Sai |
Music | Vikas Badisa |
Cinematographer | TBA |
Production Company | Shree Pictures |
Produced By | Mitraaw Sharma, Padavala Balachandra |
Editor | TBA |
Distributed By | TBA |
Budget | ₹20 crore (estimated) |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Harshad Sai | |
Mitraaw Sharma |
The plot will revolve around the protagonist, who has massive power and never admits his defeats. He is at war with Monsters.
The trailer is yet to be released.
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