Main Ladega is a bollywood sports drama film directed by Gaurav Rana, written by Akash Pratap Singh and produced by Akshay Bhagwanji and Pinakin Bhakta. It features Akash Pratap Singh, Gandharv Dewan, Vallari Viraj, and Ashwath Bhatt. The trailer of the movie was recently released and it was appreciated by the fans. The movie is slated to release on 26 April, 2024.
Name | Main Ladega |
Genre | Sports, Drama |
Language | Hindi |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 26 April |
Director | Gaurav Rana |
Writer | Akash Pratap Singh |
Music | Mukund Suryavanshi, Gibson George, Akshay Menon |
Cinematographer | Lucky Yadav |
Production Company | Kathakaar Films |
Produced By | Akshay Bhagwanji, Pinakin Bhakta |
Editor | Satya Sharma |
Distributed By | TBA |
Budget | TBA |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
AkashPratapSingh | N/A |
Gandharv Dewan | N/A |
Vallari Viraj | N/A |
Ashwath Bhatt | N/A |
The plot of the movie is around boxing.
The trailer for Main Ladega introduces us to a young boy who, scarred by the trauma of witnessing his mother endure domestic abuse, discovers solace and purpose in the world of boxing. The emotional journey of the protagonist is depicted with raw intensity, evoking empathy and understanding from viewers.
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