“LSD 2” is an upcoming bollywood movie which is slated to release on 19 April 2024. The movie is the official sequel of Love, Sex aur Dhoka. Dibakar Banerjee directed the first part now he is back as the director of LSD 2. Movie is backed by Ektaa Kapoor, Shobha Kapoor and Dibakar Banerjee. Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia was the first one to be announced as lead actor for the film. The digital sensation Urfi Javed is going to make her debut from the film. Ektaa Kapoor announced Bonita Rajpurohit, first trans woman to be starred as lead in a bollywood movie. The film is based in the digital age and explores the theme of love in the internet age.
Name | LSD 2 |
Genre | Comedy, Crime Drama |
Language | Hindi |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 19 April 2024 |
Director | Dibakar Banerjee |
Writer | TBA |
Music | TBA |
Cinematographer | Anand Bansal, Riju Das |
Production Company | Balaji Telefilms, Cult Movies |
Produced By | Ektaa Kapoor , Shobha Kapoor and Dibakar Banerjee |
Editor | TBA |
Distributed By | TBA |
Budget | ₹ 10 Crores (estimated) |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Nimrit Ahluwalia | N/A |
Rossana Elsa Scugugia | N/A |
Urfi Javed | N/A |
Anupam Joardar | N/A |
Bonita Rajpurohit | Kuku |
Paritosh Tiwari | N/A |
Focuses on the theme of “Love in the Times of the Internet,” which explores the difficulties and complexities that define modern relationships in our highly technology society. The film follows the lives of individuals as they deal with the complexities of modern love, friendship, and self-discovery.—production house.
The Trailer highlights the clutter-breaking realities of the digital world in a nutshell. Get ready for journey through the digital landscape, where love knows no boundaries and influencers reign supreme. The caption to the trailer read, “Served HOT for the digital generation. Ek baar phir hoga (One again) Love, Sex aur Dhokha…”.It is explicit, intriguing and perfectly shows the relevance of love and fame in the times of the internet.
*If you have any additional information regarding the above mentioned content, let us know at thefilmycharcha@gmail.com*