Short Bio
“Kaliyugam Pattanamlo” is a Telugu drama directed and written by Ramakanth Reddy. Set for release on March 22, 2024, it stars Vishva Karthikeya, alongside Devi Prasad, Chitra Shukla, Anish Kuruvilla, and others. The story follows Vishva, a reserved college student entangled in a series of town murders, promising suspense and mystery. With an estimated budget of ₹10 crore, it is eagerly anticipated.
Name | Kaliyugam Pattanamlo |
Genre | Drama |
Language | Telugu |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Release Date | 22 March, 2024 |
Director | Ramakanth Reddy |
Writer | Ramakanth Reddy |
Cinematographer | Charan Madhavaneni |
Music | Ajay Arasada |
Editor | Garry Bh |
Production Company | Nani Movie Works, Raamaa Creations Production |
Produced By | Maheswara Reddy.G., Katam Ramesh, K. Chandra Obul Reddy, Ramprakash Reddy |
Distributed By | TBA |
Movie Budget | ₹10 crore (estimated) |
‘Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Devi Prasad | |
Chitra Shukla | |
Anish Kuruvilla | |
Ayushi Patel | |
Rupa Lakshmi | |
Vishva Karthikeya | |
Narain Rama |
“Kaliyugam Pattanamlo” is about a quiet college student, Vishva Karthikeya, caught up in a town plagued by gruesome murders. The teaser hints at secrets and suspects, keeping viewers guessing. Will his shy nature protect him or expose the truth? It’s a gripping mystery where anyone could be guilty.
The trailer is yet to be released.
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