“Ka: The Forest” is a Tamil drama, crime, and thriller film directed and written by Nanjil. Starring Andrea Jeremiah and Salim Ghouse, its plot remains undisclosed. Produced by John Max under Sasikala Production and Shalom Studios, the movie is set to release on March 29, 2024, with a budget estimated at ₹5 crore. Streaming details and distribution partners are yet to be announced.
Name | Ka: The Forest |
Genre | Drama, Crime, Thriller |
Language | Tamil |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Music | Sundar Babu |
Date Release | 29 March, 2024 |
Director | Nanjil |
Writer | Nanjil |
Cinematographer | TBA |
Production Company | Sasikala Production, Shalom Studios |
Produced By | John Max |
Editor | Elisa |
Distributed By | TBA |
Budget | ₹5 crore (estimated) |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Andrea Jeremiah | |
Salim Ghouse |
The plot hasn’t been disclosed yet.
If you have any additional information regarding the above mentioned content, let us know at thefilmycharcha@gmail.com
(Disclaimer : The figures mentioned in the budget are according to various sources. The Filmy Charcha hasn’t confirmed the numbers individually.)