Jai Hanuman is an upcoming PAN Indian Film which will hit the cinemas in 2025. Prasanth Varma will direct this magnum opus. The movie is a sequel to 2024 released HanuMan. The movie casts Teja Sajja, Amritha Aiyer in the main lead roles along with Vennela Kishore, Getup Srinu, Satya, and many others have seen in supporting roles. The music is composed by GowraHari, Anudeep Dev, and Krishna Saurabh while the cinematography is done by Shivendra and it is edited by SB Raju Talari. The film is produced by K. Niranjan Reddy under PrimeShow Entertainment banner. A top actor will be casted as Lord Hanuman in this film.
Name | Jai Hanuman |
Genre | Mythological |
Language | Telugu ( PAN India) |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 2025 |
Director | Prasanth Varna |
Writer | TBA |
Music | GowraHari, Anudeep Dev, and Krishna Saurabh |
Cinematographer | Shivendra |
Production Company | PrimeShow Entertainment banner |
Produced By | K. Niranjan Reddy |
Editor | SB Raju Talari |
Distributed By | TBA |
Budget | TBA |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Teja Sajja | Hanumanthu |
Varalakshmi Sarathkumar | Dr Meenakashi |
Satya | Gunneswara Rao |
Getup Srinu | Kaasi |
Vennela Kishore | Dr. Sirivennela |
The plot of the movie unfolds the next chapter in Hanumanthu’s life.
The trailer of the movie is yet to be released.
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