“Iravin Kangal” (2024), directed by Pop Suresh and written by Balasubramani KG, is a Tamil sci-Fi and thriller film. Starring Pop Suresh, Giri Dwarakish, Selvakanthan, Dolly Aishu, Azhagu Raja, and Dharun, the film is set to release on April 5, 2024. Produced by Prathab Enterprises and distributed by Uthraa Productions, it explores Victor’s reliance on the AI gadget Iris to conceal a fatal accident after a one-night stand.
Name | Iravin Kangal |
Genre | Sci-Fi, Thriller |
Language | Tamil |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 5 April, 2024 |
Director | Pop Suresh |
Writer | Balasubramani KG |
Music | Charles Dhana |
Cinematographer | Gitakaran |
Production Company | Prathab Enterprises |
Produced By | Prathab |
Editor | Imam |
Distributed By | Uthraa Productions |
Budget | ₹10 crore (estimated) |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Pop Suresh | |
Giri Dwarakish | |
Selvakanthan | |
Dolly Aishu | |
Azhagu Raja | |
Dharun |
In ‘’Iravin Kangal’’ (2024), Victor’s loneliness leads to a one-night stand with Preethi, his colleague. When her enraged boyfriend dies accidentally during a confrontation, Victor relies on his AI device, Iris, to cover it up. Can Iris help Victor escape the consequences of his actions?
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