Short Bio
“Fast X: Part 2” is an upcoming action-packed thriller directed by Louis Leterrier and produced by One Race Films, Original Film, and Universal Pictures. With an ensemble cast including Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham, and Michelle Rodriguez. It’s set to release on April 4, 2025, with the plot and trailer still under wraps, leaving fans eagerly awaiting more details.
Name | Fast X: Part 2 |
Genre | Action, Crime, Thriller |
Language | English |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Release Date | 4 April, 2025 |
Director | Louis Leterrier |
Writer | Christina Hodson, Oren Uziel |
Cinematographer | TBA |
Music | TBA |
Editor | TBA |
Production Company | One Race Films, Original Film, Universal Pictures |
Produced By | Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson |
Distributed By | Universal Pictures International (Austria), Universal Pictures International (Switzerland), Universal Pictures International (Germany), Universal Pictures International (United Kingdom), Universal Pictures (United States) |
Movie Budget | $250M (estimated) |
‘Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Nathalie Emmanuel | As Ramsey |
Jason Momoa | As Dante Reyes |
Jason Statham | As Deckard Shaw |
Dwayne Johnson | As Hobbs |
Vin Diesel | As Dominic Toretto |
Michelle Rodriguez | As Letty Ortiz |
Sung Kang | As Han |
Tyrese Gibson | As Roman |
Ludacris | As Tej |
The plot is yet to be disclosed.
The trailer hasn’t been launched yet.
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