Choo Mantar is a horror comedy movie directed by Karvva Navneeth. The movie casts Sharan, Meghana, Aditi Prabhudeva, and Prabhu Mundkur in the main lead roles along with Chikkanna, Rajini Bharadwaj, and many others have seen in supporting roles. The music was composed by Chandan Shetty and the background music was composed by Avinaash R Basutkar while the cinematography was done by Anup Kattukaran and it is edited by Venki UDV. The film is produced by Manasa Tarun, Tarun Shivappa under Tarun Studios banner. The movie is slated to release on 10 May, 2024.
Name | Choo Mantar |
Genre | Horror, Comedy |
Language | Kannada |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 10 May, 2024 |
Director | Karvva Navneeth |
Writer | TBA |
Music | Avinaash R Basutkar |
Cinematographer | Anup Kattukaran |
Production Company | Tarun Studios |
Produced By | Manasa Tarun, Tarun Shivappa |
Editor | Venki UDV |
Distributed By | TBA |
Budget | TBA |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Sharan | N/A |
Meghana | N/A |
Aditi Prabhudeva | N/A |
Prabhu Mundkur | N/A |
The plot revolves around horror with a perfect mix of comedy.
The trailer of the movie is yet to be released.
*If you have any additional information regarding the above mentioned content, let us know at thefilmycharcha@gmail.com*