Short Bio
“Captain America: Brave New World” is the fourth movie in the Captain America series, directed by Julius Onah. It’s set to hit screens on February 14, 2025. Starring Anthony Mackie as Captain America, alongside a talented cast including Harrison Ford and Liv Tyler. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Disney+, the storyline is kept secret, adding to the excitement surrounding its release.
Name | Captain America: Brave New World |
Genre | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi |
Language | English |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | Disney+ |
Release Date | 14 February, 2025 |
Director | Julius Onah |
Writer | Dalan Musson, Matthew Orton, Malcolm Spellman |
Cinematographer | Kramer Morgenthau |
Music | Dave Jordan |
Editor | Kyle King, Brandon La Sure, Ian McClarren, Christian Sharaf |
Production Company | Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company |
Produced By | Mitchell Bell, Kevin Feige, Nate Moore, Charles Newirth |
Distributed By | Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Disney+, Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Studios Pictures Argentina |
Movie Budget | $200M (estimated) |
‘Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Harrison Ford | as Thaddeus ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross |
Liv Tyler as Betty Ross | as Betty Ross |
Rosa Salazar | |
Shira Haas | as Sabra |
Tim Blake Nelson | as Samuel Sterns/The Leader |
Anthony Mackie | as Sam Wilson/Captain America |
Danny Ramirez | as Joaquin Torres/Falcon |
Carl Lumbly | as Isaiah Bradley |
Colby Lopez | |
Xosha Roquemore | |
Rachael Markarian | as Presidential Aide |
The plot remains under wraps. It’s the fourth movie in the Captain America franchise.
The trailer is yet to be released.
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