“Bahumukham” (2024) is an upcoming Telugu thriller film directed by Harshiv Karthik. It stars Harshiv Karthik, Marie Martinová, and Swarnima Singh. The film’s writers are Harshiv Karthik and Ramaswamy, produced by Harshiv Karthik and Aravind Reddy under Crystal Mountain Productions. Cinematography by Luke Fletcher, music by Phani Kalyan, and editing by Garry Bh and Harshiv Karthik. It releases on April 5, 2024, with streaming details yet to be announced.
Name | Bahumukham |
Genre | Drama, Thriller, Psychological, Suspense |
Language | Telugu |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 5 April, 2024 |
Director | Harshiv Karthik |
Writer | Harshiv Karthik, Ramaswamy |
Music | Phani Kalyan |
Cinematographer | Luke Fletcher |
Production Company | Crystal Mountain Productions |
Produced By | Harshiv Karthik, Aravind Reddy |
Editor | Garry Bh, Harshiv Karthik |
Distributed By | TBA |
Budget | ₹25 crore (estimated) |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Harshiv Karthik | |
Marie Martinová | |
Swarnima Singh |
In “Bahumukham” (2024), a troubled actor, Tanveer, meets his therapist, Disha. He hides scary secrets and struggles with his mind. But as he keeps his secrets, he becomes dangerous to others in the city.
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