Short Bio
“Anchakkallakokkan” (2024) is a Malayalam action-crime thriller directed by Ullas Chemban. With Lukman Avaran, Chemban Vinod Jose, and Megha Thomas in lead roles, it revolves around a timid cop’s challenges in a small town. Produced by Chembosky Motion Pictures, it has an estimated budget of ₹6 crore and releases on 15 March 2024.
Name | Anchakkallakokkan |
Genre | Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller |
Language | Malayalam |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Release Date | 15 March, 2024 |
Director | Ullas Chemban |
Writer | Ullas Chemban, Vikil Venu |
Cinematographer | Armo |
Music | Manikandan Ayyappa |
Editor | Rohit V.S. Variyath |
Production Company | Chembosky Motion Pictures |
Produced By | Chemban Vinod Jose, Dipen Patel, Sajin Ali Pulakkal, Hamza Thirunavaya |
Distributed By | TBA |
Movie Budget | ₹6 crore (estimated) |
‘Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Lukman Avaran | As Vasudevan |
Chemban Vinod Jose | As Nadavaramban Peter |
Megha Thomas | As Pathmini |
Manikandan R. Achari | As Shankarabharanam/ Shankaran |
Sreejith Ravi | As Chaapra |
Merin Jose Pottackal | As Gillappi |
Merin Philip | As Daisy |
Senthil Krishna | As Kolliyan |
In “Anchakkallakokkan” (2024), a timid cop starts his job in a small town. But things get tough when a criminal he arrested tries to get back at him while in custody.
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