Short Bio
“Amigo Garage” (2024) is a Tamil action drama directed and written by Prasanth Nagarajan. Starring Athira Raj and Mahendran, the film revolves around unexpected events triggered when a curious teen, Rudra, encounters Anand at Amigo Garage. With music by Balamurali Balu and produced by People Production House, it’s set to release on March 15, 2024, with a budget estimated at ₹2 crore.
Name | Amigo Garage |
Genre | Action, Drama |
Language | Tamil |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Release Date | 15 March, 2024 |
Director | Prasanth Nagarajan |
Writer | Prasanth Nagarajan |
Cinematographer | Vijaykumar Solaimuthi |
Music | Balamurali Balu |
Editor | C.S. Premkumar, Antony L. Ruben |
Production Company | People Production House |
Produced By | Ramachandran Perumal |
Distributed By | TBA |
Movie Budget | ₹2 crore (estimated) |
‘Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Athira Raj | As Tamil |
Mahendran | As Rudra |
Deepa Balu | N.A |
G.M. Sundar | As Anand |
Muralikamal | N.A |
Siriko Udhaya | N.A |
Sakshi Gopal | N.A |
Dasarathi Narasimman | N.A |
Murali Chandran | N.A |
Madhana Gopal | N.A |
In “Amigo Garage” (2024), Rudra, a curious teen, enters Amigo Garage and meets Anand, leading to unexpected consequences and twists in his life.
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