Short Bio
“Aashiqui 3” is an upcoming romantic drama film directed by Anurag Basu. The release date for the film has yet to be announced. Aashiqui 3 is the third instalment in the series produced by Mukesh Bhatt, Bhushan Kumar, and Krishan Kumar under the banner of T Series Films, T Series, and Vishesh Films. As of now, Kartik Aryan is confirmed for the male lead role; the female lead is yet to be confirmed.
Name | Aashiqui 3 |
Genre | Romantic |
Language | Hindi |
Streaming | N.A |
Streaming Partner | N.A |
Date Release | 2024 |
Director | Anurag Basu |
Writer | N.A |
Music | Pritam Chakraborty |
Cinematographer | N.A |
Production Company | T Series Films, T Series, Vishesh Films |
Produced By | Mukesh Bhatt, Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar |
Editor | N.A |
Distributed By | N.A |
Budget | ₹100 Crore |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Salman Khan | |
Tripti Dimri | |
Panchal |
The plot of the movie is still awaited.
Yet to launch.
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