“Rooban” (2024), an action-packed Tamil film directed by Ayyappan. S and written by the same, stars Vijay Prasad, Gayatri Rema, Arumugam, Charli, Karthikeyan, Raja, Ramar, and Monki Ravi. Produced by Kovai Arumugam, Karur Karthikeyen, and Porur Raja under AKR Future Films, it’s set to release on April 12, 2024, with streaming details yet to be announced.
Name | Rooban |
Genre | Action |
Language | Tamil |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 12 April, 2024 |
Director | Ayyappan. S |
Writer | Ayyappan. S |
Music | Aravind Babu |
Cinematographer | Rajeev Rajendiran |
Production Company | AKR Future Films |
Produced By | Kovai Arumugam, Karur Karthikeyen, Porur Raja |
Editor | Ramnath |
Distributed By | AKR Future Films |
Budget | ₹5 crore (estimated) |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Gayatri Rema | |
Arumugam | |
Charli | |
Karthikeyan | |
Raja | |
Ramar | |
Monki Ravi |
In “Rooban” (2024), a couple in a village, deemed unlucky due to their childlessness, finds hope when they adopt an orphaned baby. But when a tiger threatens the village, blame falls on them, disrupting normal life. As tensions rise, villagers attempt to catch the tiger while some defy restrictions to fulfill their pilgrimage. Mysterious deaths and accusations complicate matters, leaving the fate of the village and its inhabitants uncertain.
The trailer is yet to be released.
Teaser video: https://youtu.be/zbgb1MKM098?si=g8XU6lZDo7v8BsxJ
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