“Naach Ga Ghuma” (2024) is an upcoming Marathi film directed by Paresh Mokashi, features Mukta Barve, Namrata Awate Sambherao, and Sharmishtha Raut. Co-written by Madhugandha Kulkarni and Paresh Mokashi, it’s co-produced by Tejas Desai, Swapnil Joshi, Madhugandha Kulkarni, Paresh Mokashi, Trupti Patil, and Sharmishtha Raut under Hiranyagarbha Manoranjan. Scheduled for release on May 1, 2024, this film is an engaging exploration of human connections.
Name | Naach Ga Ghuma |
Genre | Drama |
Language | Marathi |
Streaming | TBA |
Streaming Partner | TBA |
Date Release | 1 May, 2024 |
Director | Paresh Mokashi |
Writer | Madhugandha Kulkarni, Paresh Mokashi |
Music | TBA |
Cinematographer | Sandeep Yadav |
Production Company | Hiranyagarbha Manoranjan |
Produced By | Tejas Desai, Swapnil Joshi, Madhugandha Kulkarni, Paresh Mokashi, Trupti Patil, Sharmishtha Raut |
Editor | TBA |
Distributed By | Panorama Studios |
Budget | ₹10 crore (estimated) |
Star Cast With Characters’ Names
Mukta Barve | As Rani |
Namrata Awate Sambherao | As Aasha |
Sharmishtha Raut | As Kalyani |
Sarang Sathaye | As Anand |
Sukanya Kulkarni | As Rani Chi Aai |
Sunil Abhyankar | N/A |
Supriya Pathare | As Aanand Chi Aai |
“Naach Ga Ghuma” (2024) is a humorous tale of the antics between a homeowner and her house help, exploring their love-hate bond.
The trailer hasn’t been released yet.
*If you have any additional information regarding the above mentioned content, let us know at thefilmycharcha@gmail.com*